Area & City Map Hattorf am Harz
How to get to Hattorf by car:
Interstate 7 northbound: Exit the interstate 7 at the "Göttingen Nord" exit. Stay on the
following freeway until you reach the intersection. Cross the intersection straight on onto the
highway 27 heading towards Braunlage. Follow this highway about 30 kilometers passing the cities
of Rohringen, Waake and Gieboldehausen. Turn left about 5 kilometers behind Gieboldehausen at the
restaurant "Auekrug". Follow this road about 3km, you get directly into Hattorf.
Interstate 7 southbound Exit the interstate 7 at the "Seesen" exit. At the following
intersection turn right onto the highway 243 heading towards Osterode, after about 1km the
highway makes a left turn and continues as a freeway from there. Follow the freeway about
25 kilometers, about 6 kilometers behind Osterode there is the exit "Hattorf". Exit the freeway
and turn right on the highway. This road leads you after about 8 kilometers directly into Hattorf
passing the villages of Hörden and Elbingerode.
How to get to Hattorf by train:
Hattorf has its own railway station at the Northeim-Nordhousen route. From both directions
you can get into Hattorf every hour by commuter trains. to enlarge (495 kB)